We curate a database of sources that don’t usually make the news (including people who aren’t women) for the media to access more diverse and nuanced commentary.
Joining the database
Women+ voices: join our database
Do you see perspectives like yours in the news? If not, you probably belong on our database of activists, experts, and thought leaders. We are inclusive of anyone whose voice is overlooked, not only women. That’s why the + is in our name.
To join, complete a bio with your areas of expertise, (optional) photo and contact details. Once vetted, journalists can see your profile for future news stories.
I think this is an amazing initiative – over the past few months I have probably close to 50 media/speaking engagements which is approximately 50 times more than I ever would have done previously.
I am not quite sure I can find the words to thank each of you for the immense support! Being a young female expert and being quoted is unheard of but it has been possible because of QW+.
I’ve learnt relationship management and communication strategies with journalists. This will assist me with tactfully starting and maintaining relations with the media.
I enjoyed the practical side of the masterclass. Applying what we learnt at the start of the class and doing mock interviews was really great. The facilitator was able to work with everyone’s strengths and never at any point made me feel inadequate.
Using the database
Access our database of women+ experts
We contribute to the gender transformation of the media landscape by promoting women+ voices across Africa.
Our database of women+ experts and community voices gives journalists access to diverse sources for interviews so that together we can correct the gender imbalance in the media. Quote This Woman+’s broad range of people you can quote makes stories stand out. Media profiles are processed as quickly as we can (1-2 days) – we understand deadlines.
I would like to extend our appreciation for the amazing work done by you and the team of Quote This Woman. As an agricultural publication we’ve been on a serious mission to include more woman experts in our stories and its beautiful to see.
Quote This Woman is a wonderful resource for journalists. Kathy Magrobi and her team are super responsive and resourceful. They have a bank of experts at their fingertips: quality people with useful insights into a range of subjects.
You make my job ten times easier, and my work 100% more balanced. I really appreciate what you all are doing here.
I use a lot of the contacts you sent me – you guys rock!
Media and communication training through a psycho-social feminist lens
Why a gender lens?
To tell your story and own your voice as a woman or marginalised person, you need self-belief. Through inner work, we empower participants to feel comfortable with confronting traditional power dynamics. All our programmes start from that perspective.
Training: all skill levels
We’re proud of our diverse database. For the different skill levels in navigating the media landscape (including social media), we offer comprehensive media training. We also train corporates and boards in gender diversity and inclusion, as well as offer tailored media and communication training.