We offer media and communication training through a psycho-social feminist lens
It takes courage to step forward and speak up. Our training supports people as they take their place in the spotlight.

Why is mentoring important?
Studies show that women+ receive less mentoring and aren’t invited to share public platforms early on in their careers, meaning that they’re less confident in taking their seat at the table or dealing with the media. Our personalised mentoring programme aims to help women+ do the inner work needed to confidently express themselves in the workplace, their business, academic or editorial writing, or in media interviews.
Mentoring is based on a needs assessment. We provide tailor-made training and can quote once we have a clear idea of what the mentorship will cover. For more, email us at hello@quotethiswoman.org.za
Training and events
Despite fears of public speaking and being in the media spotlight, within every accomplished communicator is a skillset – and a mindset – that can be mastered through inner work, coaching and practice. We offer a broad range of training to meet the differing skill levels in navigating the media landscape (including social media) of our database. Our courses are updated regularly – contact us to find out what we have on offer.
We go beyond tips and tricks. Our unique Women+ Own the Spotlight media training addresses the psycho-social, cultural, and religious barriers to building a public persona. The coursework is co-created by a team of feminist media minds and psychotherapists and focuses on the inner work of building agency. Participants are skilled and empowered to take a seat at the table and step up confidently to the mic in the toughest interview environments.
We provide quotes on request and offer bursaries or discounted training when sponsorships are available. If you’d like to sponsor our training or get a quote, email hello@quotethiswoman.org.za
We run ad-hoc events on current topics. We also run Story Slams, vibrant story-telling events that aim to help women+ step forward and speak out loud. Some are fund-raising events for Quote This Woman+, others are free. Some are in person, others are online.
Our LinkedIn page is the best place to see updates.