Expert Profile: <strong>Makgosi Letimile </strong>


  by QW+ staff writer

Expert Profile: Makgosi Letimile 

Makgosi Letimile is the Quote This Woman+ Voices of the Year joint winner in the Disability category for the year 2022. Makgosi is one of the rare voices in South Africa advocating for candid conversations about sexuality, pleasure, womanhood and Blackness. 

Her experience and accessible approach to intersectional inclusion have been a revelation online, with hundreds of her followers speaking up about how they had no idea there were so many people who felt the same way that they did. She’s a writer and a sex toy reviewer aimed at disabilities and pleasure. She is also on the Observatory Improvement District board.

Her frank conversations and destigmatising reviews and debates on sex toys spark interest across her platforms almost daily – and she has become synonymous with a reclaiming of sexuality for people all all abilities, orientations and backgrounds. She also advocates for disbaled Motherhood and accessibility (physical, emotional and psychological) through language and space for Black women. 

Makgosi’s quote on what the award means to her:

“Accessibility is everybody’s business – its important for women to use their voices because we hold up half the sky & deserve to be heard.”

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